Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Youch-that one hurt a little!

So I just got home from a doctor's appointment, and needless to say-it wasn't very much fun. I got the first of three lubrication shots in my knee. Holy cow-talk about painful.
Going in, I was worried mostly about the needle they would be using to put this stuff in my knee, because they actually have to put this stuff IN YOUR KNEE. I envisioned a huge 3 inch needle that nightmares are made of. However, I understood that they would deaden the knee before they put it the big injection (mostly because that is what it said in the brochure they gave me). Wrong-O. Well, the nurse informed me otherwise, and I prepared myself for the huge needle coming at me and then the pain being gone once the needle was in. Wrong again.
The needle that they used wasn't really all that bad, maybe 1 1/2 inches-and the needle going in didn't really hurt all that much. Mostly because my knee is mostly numb anyways after 3 surgeries. However, then came the actual injection. I am not real sure, but I think I might have said one or two not so nice words when that happened. Oh well, I suppose my doctor has heard me say a few choice words before-like when I woke up from surgery without a nerve block OR any pain medication. I swear it felt like he had just hammered a splinter into my knee and left it there.
Then, of course he decides to tell me that if I happen to have an allergic reaction to this stuff-they go in with another needle and syringe and try and suck all the injection out. I really don't know what I have gotten myself into here. So, one down two to go-I'm hoping the next one won't hurt as much-but I guess I will find that out on Wednesday.
In other news, I am hoping to get some work done on this blog tomorrow-to bring myself up and into the blogging world!

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