Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Random things NEVER happen to me

I have always said that random things never happen to me...until recently. Actually today seems to be the most random day I have ever had.

First off, my ex boyfriend accused me of stealing golf balls from him today. Not even golf balls that are good for golfing. Golf balls that have holes drilled in them and are tied to another golf ball. They are for some game I have never played in my entire life-nor do I have the desire to. Now the other part of this game is some sort of contraption made out of PVC pipe, which when I moved him out, I specifically remember taking back. Now the golf ball part-I don't remember moving, but WHY WHY WHY would I have kept the golf balls and not the rest of the game. I swear-I just don't get him. BUT, I am not going to get into him on this blog.

Secondly, my door bell rang at around 5:30 scaring the heck out of me. I wasn't expecting anyone, and the guy on the other side of the door I definitely didn't know. Good thing I have my 150lb dog here to scare the heck out of anyone. So I open my door with my guard dog by my side, and the guy asks me if I have a bathroom scale. Weird, I know. He said he had a pet that was sick and the vet needed to know how much the pet weighed, so he needed a scale. He also said that he lived two doors down and that he would bring it right back. So, I gave him my scale. Sure enough, about 30 minutes later he brought back my scale, said thank you and told me and Rosco to have a good night.

Because I am a country girl living in the big scary city, my mind starting wandering as soon as I shut the door when he came the first time. Do you think he was trying to get a look inside my house so he could break in later when he brings the scale back? Or maybe he was going to check the memory on the scale to see how much drugs he has to give me when he comes back to kidnap me (did I mention I live one block away from Kelsey Smith's parents). Then when he brought the scale back I started wondering if maybe he embedded a camera in the scale so he can watch me in the bathroom (now this would be a big disappointment when he discovers that I shower at work and not at home).

Now maybe I should mention that I have freaked out the whole time I lived in my duplex because it doesn't have a wall between the two sides in the attic. For some reason I have just always thought that someone would crawl over to my side and put cameras in. Although, they would have to be 5 foot even and 100 lbs to fit through the hole in the top of my closet.

So, do these crazy paranoid thoughts cross anyone else's mind? Or am I just that freaked out about living in the city?

So onto less random things..... This is what I had for dinner tonight

Taco Soup

1 lb hamburger
1 onion, chopped
1 large can chili beans
1 can corn
1 can rotel
1 can tomato sauce
1 package taco seasoning
shredded cheese
sour cream

Brown hamburger and onion, drain. Add beans, corn, rotel, sauce, and seasoning. Bring to boil, then reduce heat to simmer, stirring occasionally. Simmer at least 5 minutes, or until you are ready to eat. Then crush some fritos in the bottom of a bowl, and pour soup on top. Top with more fritos, a WHOLLOP of sour cream, and shredded cheese.

Whallah-dinner is served. Talk about a 30 minute meal!

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