Monday, July 6, 2009

Start weight watchers

Here it goes, I'm going to try it again. I've decided this blog is going to be about me and my weight loss journey (cause there isn't enough of those blogs out there). In any event I'll start from the beginning and get my story written down.....
Like most other people out there, I have struggled with weight since I was a kid. I always felt like the biggest kid around. Of course it didn't help that I was also the tallest girl in my class. I always just felt HUGE. All through high school and college I was the party girl, I could drink almost anyone under the table-which was likely a result of all the excess poundage I was carrying around. I had and have tons of friends, and I am very lucky that most of them don't care that I am as overweight as I am. However, I'm sick of being the fat friend. I know I'm a good friend, I know I am fun to be around, but I also know that I am the fat friend.
Well, about 7 months ago I broke up with the boyfriend and started down and a new and improved path in life. At the time, I did not think it there was anything new or improved about my new boyfriend-less life. Now, I can look back and say-I should have never started seeing him, and I can't believe I spent 3 years of my life that way.
So after giving myself about a month to lay around and feel sorry for myself, I picked myself up by the boot straps and started working out. My gym membership was my Christmas gift to myself. I bought a three month membership thinking that if I actually used it for the three months, I would buy a year. Well, for those first three months, I used the crap out of that membership. I went five to six times a week, once even challenging myself to see how many days in a row I could go (14 baby!). I lost somewhere around 15 pounds-woozer! I didn't change the way I ate, I didn't pay any attention to what I ate, just worked out like a maniac. Then, I hit the dreaded plataue.
About the same time my membership expired, all the while I was interviewing for jobs in other states. I decided then that the weather was starting to turn around, I was starting softball in a few weeks, eeehhh-I'll just work out outside. After two weeks of doing nothing and figuring out that I wasn't going to take any of the jobs I had interviewed for-I went ahead and renewed my membership, this time opting for the year long contract.
Well, that is about the time I stopped going. I'd go once a week (on a really really good week). Don't get me wrong, I was playing softball (not exactly "exercise"), I'd go on walks, even the occasional run. Now, I did start watching the food I was eating. Not sticking to a diet of any kind, but just being aware of what I was consuming. Since then, I've lost about 5 more pounds.
So what is the problem with that? Well, I do really good during the week. I would lose 3-5 lbs between Monday and Friday, then I'd go out drinking and partying all weekend and gain 3-5 lbs back. AGGGGHHHHHH. Easy fix you say, stop with all the drunkeness? Well, you try being a 20 something single girl. Now don't get me wrong, I am in love with being single right now-but that doesn't mean I wouldn't love to find someone special to spend some of my excess time with. Now I know that just because I might be thinking about looking for someone doesn't mean I need to go out drinking all the time. But let me put it to you this way....there ain't no one in my life right now that I would consider dating. How do people my age find new friends? Most of the time alcohol is involved. Now I am not saying I need to go out and get bombed to make new friends. But a few beers are usually involved. And I am ok with that;)
So, I've tried weight watchers in the past, and had some pretty good success (30lbs). So now, I'm trying it again. My goal, is to lose 75 lbs. Unrealistic? Ummm, maybe. So right now, I would be over freaking joyed with 50. That would put me at a weight I haven't been at since like early high school, maybe even middle school.
So, while I am not telling you my current weight (because I am so totally embarrassed by it) I will tell you that I am currently wearing size 18 bottoms, 14/16 or xl top. I don't really have any goals when it comes to clothing size-I just want to be able to look at myself in the mirror and like what I see.
So I'm going to use this blog as a journal about what I have eaten, exercise, weight lost, etc. It should be pretty exciting from here on out (stop sarcasm).

Fiber One Bar-peanut butter
3 tbs hummus
5 melba toast snacks
1 freedom fudge bar
handful of carrots
4 tbsp light ranch dressing
Total intake 12 points
Exercise for 50 minutes-hardcore. Minus 7 points.
Granted, it is only 6 pm, and I haven't eaten supper yet, but I'm allowing myself 27 points everyday. So I must stay under 22 points for dinner. Can do! I'm thinking stir fry....
In any event, stay tuned-I'm hoping to keep posting, and maybe turn this into a public blog someday. Hi Jeri-I'm using this for YOU to hold me accountable!!

1 comment:

Jeri said...

I'm so glad you're posting again, and that I have a buddy to keep me accountable as well. I have a goal of 30 lbs and have 27.5 to go. If I happened to lose an extra 10 that would be f*ing amazing, but I'm good with just the remaining 27.5! This is great!!! ALSO, YOU ARE NOT THE FAT FRIEND!!! Hello, you and I for that matter are not nearly as big as we think we are!!! Still I'm excited and you're better that me, I can't even think about weight watchers now, I know it's lame, but there's no time in my life right now to count that closely! Guess I'm going to really have to get after the exercise ;)